Thoughts As I Wait for the Thunder Moon to Appear

Thoughts As I Wait for the Thunder Moon to Appear

Chuang Tzu asked, why is what the world does worth doing?
The thunder moon which I cannot see teaches me that it is unavoidable.

Regardless of all that I know and do not know,  it is launched without slowing
over the clouds. As the arrival of clouds cannot be avoided, neither can the departure

of clouds. It may not be worth doing, Chuang Tzu said. And yet
it cannot be left undone. I am looking without seeing, Chuang Tzu,

and it may be enough that I am no longer looking for the moon.
In the quiet, unseeable, the small chicory flower unfolds towards dawn.

As the departure of life cannot be avoided, neither can its arrival.
When the moon’s no longer needed, clouds break open like blue petals.

10 thoughts on “Thoughts As I Wait for the Thunder Moon to Appear

    1. Jeff Schwaner Post author

      Thanks, Ron. I thought of you today when I saw a poem by Errin Spelling and how she got her cable company to respond to her request for help by writing to them in the haiku form. They wrote back to her — in haiku form! — and fixed her cable. Man. Poetry is magic!

    1. Jeff Schwaner Post author

      Thank you.
      Ann sent me a picture of the moon last night from Boston. So though I couldn’t see it, I knew it was there. And it’s not the moon we need after all, right? but the friends who we know are also looking at it with us, wherever they are.


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